Contoh Kalimat Adjective Clause beserta Penjelasannya

Adjective clause memang terkadang membuat sebagian siswa kebingungan memahaminya. Namun sebenarnya adjective clause itu sangatlah sederhana. Seperti fungsi adjective pada umumnya yaitu untuk menjelaskan kata benda (noun), begitu juga adjective clause pun menjelaskan kata benda (noun) hanya saja berbentuk klausa. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, adjective clause sering diartikan dengan kata ‘yang’. Perhatikan contoh kalimat adjective clause bahasa Indonesia berikut ini.
Wanita yang selalu menangis di tengah malam itu adalah tetanggaku.
Pada dasarnya kalimat tersebut terdiri dari dua klausa, yaitu:
Wanita muda itu adalah tetanggaku. (Main clause / induk kalimat)
Dia selalu menangis pada tengah malam. (Sub clause / anak kalimat)
Kalimat yang saya tulis miring dan garisbawahi adalah adjective clause. Untuk menggabungkan kedua klausa tersebut, kita membutuhkan relative pronoun. Berikut ini adalah contoh relative pronoun nya: who, whom, whose, which, where, when, dan that. Setiap relative pronoun mempunyai fungsi masing-masing yang akan dijelaskan nanti beserta contoh adjective clause untuk mempermudah memahaminya. Jadi apabila contoh kalimat adjective clause di atas kita artikan ke dalam bahasa Inggris akan menjadi, The woman who always cries in the midnight is my neighbor (wanita yang selalu menangis di tengah malam itu adalah tetanggaku).

Contoh Kalimat Adjective Clause beserta Penjelasannya

Untuk lebih memahami cara menggabungkan / menyusun kalimat adjective clause. Yuk kita pelajari bersama-sama contoh adjecive clause beserta penjelasan singkatnya disini:
Digunakan untuk menggantikan subyek orang (I, you, we, they, she, he, Ani). Perhatikan contoh adjective clause berikut ini.
1. Rani got a car accident last year.
She has to check her backbone every two months.
Rani who has to check her backbone every two months got a car accident last year.
(Rani yang harus memeriksa tulang belakangnya setiap dua bulan kecelakaan tahun lalu).
atau bisa juga,
Rani who got a car accident last year has to check her backbone every two months.
(Rani yang kecelakaan tahun lalu harus memeriksa tulang punggungnya setiap dua bulan).
Note: Letakkan relative pronoun nya tepat setelah subyek yang akan kita jelaskan. Dan Setelah WHO pasti kata kerja (verb) atau tobe / auxiliary.
Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat adjective clause. Silakan coba kalian pisahkan sendiri ya. Sekalian latihan.
2. Alonso who won a champion league with Real Madrid last year has moved to Bayern Muenchen
3. The teacher who always gives us motivation is going to America today.
4. The students who are lazy to study hard will fail to get a scholarship.
5. Mrs. Hazel Grace, who is the professor in this college, will be absent this week because of illness.
6. Mr. Jokowi is the only president who are brave enough to rise the fuel price while the society refuse.
7. I want to meet the kid who wins the speech competition.
8. They want to hit the men who robbed their house last night.
9. The baby who is so pale has not eatehn for two days.
10. My father who was one of Liverpool player in 1970s had won many trophies.
Digunakan untuk menggantikan obyek (me, you, us, them, her, him, Ani). Setelah whom pasti berupa subyek. Perhatikan contoh adjective clause berikut ini.
1. Dhila was my sweetheart in college.
I really wanted to meet her someday
Dhila whom I really wanted to meet someday was my sweetheart in college.
Dalam kalimat kedua terdapat obyek HER sehingga menggunakan whom sebagai kata penghubungnya.
2. The wedding singer whom I invited him to sing in my wedding party died yesterday.
3. He is the only candidate whom we are really fond of his attitude.
4. Rani is the prettiest girl whom everyone falls in love with

Perhatikan, apabila ada preposition pada kata kerjanya (verb) maka preposition tersebut diletakkan sebelum whom. seperti contoh kalimat adjective clause berikut ini:
5. The woman to whom this letter is addressed has moves to Bandung.
(the letter is addressed to her).
6. I enjoyed talking to the woman with whom we had dinner last night.
7. The girl to whom I was introduced is a Balinese

Digunakan untuk menggantikan kepemilikan (my, your, our, their, her, his, Ani’s, its). Setelah whose pasti berupa kata benda (noun)
1. The student whose grade is the highest one will gets a scholarship.
(The student will get a scholarship)
(His grade is the highest one)
2. Randi was a young writer whose novel wins the national competition.
3. Rani whose father was hospitalized last night is absent today.
4. I love to marry the woman whose IQ is above me.
5. Hazard helps the man whose motor was stolen.
Digunakan untuk kata ganti benda / binatang baik sebagai subyek atau obyek. Sebenarnya cara penyusunannya sama seperti who dan whom. Yang membedakan adalah which untuk benda / binatang.
1. I work in the company which manages my life. (Subject)
(I work in the company)
( The company manages my life)
2. Do you bring the book which I gave it to you yesterday?. (Object)
(Do you bring the book?)
(I gave it to you yesterday)
3. I found a kitten which I love more than anything.
4. The car which hit me yesterday was broken.
5. Her dog which runs away after seeing me really hates me.
6. Can you take me the to the park which is located near the town?
7. Kediri, which is located in East Java, was my favorite city to visit.

Digunakan untuk kata keterangan tempat. Sebenarnya bisa dikatakan adverbial clause juga. Perhatikan contoh adjective clause berikut ini:
1. I stay in the village where I am growing up.
(I live in the village)
(I am growing up in there/village)
2. I still remember the place where I put my mobile phone last night.
3. She doesn’t forget the city where she was kidnapped.
4. Here is the beach where we celebrated our wedding party ten years ago.

Digunakan untuk kata keterangan waktu.
1. I still remember the time when she left me alone.
2. My mother told me the time when the car hit me.
3. Do you still remember the date when I was promoted?
4. Dhila always remember the year when she met me for the first time.


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