USAGE: When we would like to compare between two things or more whether it is about condition or state or manner.
KEY: Because the degrees of comparison always concerns to the state or condition or manner, it always uses Adjectives or Adverb of manner in its pattern.

There are three kinds of degrees of comparison in English, they are;

1.Positive Degrees;
2.Comparative Degrees;
3.Superlative Degrees.

Positive Degree is used when there are two similar things in state condition or manner. This will use the formation;
For Examples;

As good as    (…..Sebaik…..)
As long as *)    (…..Selama…..)

*) Note: It can also be translated : 
“ Asalkan ” in Indonesian language.

For Examples; 

I’ll do everything for you, as long as you stay with me forever.
As quickly as    (…..Secepat…..)
As small as    (…..Sekecil……)

Study this follows!
    He drives the car as quickly as a bee.
    Lilik is as handsome as Harry potter.
    The car is as old as my bike.
    Please Call me as soon as you get to your hometown!
    You must submit the Proposal as soon as possible.
    Anita is as polite as her younger sister.
    Ariska writes the story as slowly as a snail.

The adverb of manner is used when the sentence includes the way to dp something
Ad.2. Comparative Degree is used when you would like to compare between two or more Different things in state condition or manner. 

KEY-1: Use this following formation when the Adjective contains one syllable and some are two.

For Examples;

Small + /-er/    Smaller        (…..lebih kecil daripada…)
Big + /-er/    Bigger        (…..lebih besar daripada…)
Large + /-er/    Larger        (…..lebih luas/besar/mewah daripada..……………..)

Fast + /-er/    Faster        (…..lebih cepat daripada….)
Soft + /-er/    Softer        (…..lebih halus/lembut daripada….)
Clever + /-er/    Cleverer    (…..lebih pintar/licik daripada…)

KEY-2: Use this following formation when the Adjective contains Three syllables and some are two.

For Examples;

    More beautiful than        (…..lebih cantik/indah daripada…..)
    More expensive than    (…..lebih mahal daripada…..)
    More calmly than        (…..lebih tenang/diam daripada….)
    More handsome than    (…..lebih tampan daripada…..)
    More interesting than    (…..lebih menarik daripada….)
    More attractive than    (…..lebih menarik daripada….)

Superlative Degree is used when you would like to express that only one thing or person Superior among other things or persons in state condition or manner. 

KEY-1: Use this following formation when the Adjective contains one syllable and some are two.

For Examples;

    The Young + /-est/        The youngest    (…paling muda…)
    The happy + /-est/        The happiest    (…paling bahagia/senang…)
    The heavy + /-est/        The heaviest    (…paling berat/deras/lebat…)
    The cheap + /-est/        The cheapest    (…paling murah…..)
    The strange + /-est/    The strangest    (…paling aneh/asing…..)
    The light + /-est/        The lightest    (…paling ringan ……)
    The strong + /-est/        The strongest    (…paling kuat……)

KEY-2: Use this following formation when the Adjective contains Three syllables and some are two.

For examples;

    The most stupid        (….paling bodoh…..)
    The most beautiful        (….plaing cantik/indah….)
    The most clever        (….paling pintar/licik….)
    The most handsome    (….paling tampan…..)
    The most patient        (….paling sabar …..)
    The most silent        (….paling tenang/diam….)
    The most wonderful    (….paling mengagumkan….)

This following table contains some adjectives which is included as Irregular Adjectives when they are used in the pattern of Degrees of Comparison;

Note that the expression “ as well as  (Juga) “ can be used as a conjunction, like;

All of the students follow the trial test as well as I do.

Study these following examples;

    He talks more seriously than before.
    The old man walks the most carefully in the world.
    I need the best fruit in taste and quality in this restaurant!.
    The young man is the worst person around here.
    She sings the most beautifully.
    Nofi reads the story the least rapidly.
    They can’t hear the voice the most clearly.
    I hate the steak as well as the fish.
    He knows that better than I do.
    The students studies English less than my son.

To stress something in state or condition to motivate someone to do or to act, we can use this following formation;

For examples;

    The sooner,  the better            (Lebih cepat lebih baik!)
    The more,  the more expensive    (lebih banyak lebih mahal!)
    The more money he spends,  the happier he becomes 
    (lebih banyak uang yang dia gunakan, lebih senang dia jadinya!)


Beside the patterns above, we also can use the similarities, like;


a.    The same + Noun + as        (…..Sama dengan…..)
b.    ……(and)……Be + The same.    (…..(dan)…. sama)

For examples;

    Your name is the same as I am.
    What you plan and what I dream are the same.
    They are the same in math score.


a.    Be + like            ( …… mirip/seperti …)
b.    …..(and)……Be + alike    (….. (dan)….. mirip/sama)

For examples;

    Your face is like my father’s.
    We are alike.
    The way you walk and the way I work are alike.


    a. Be + similar to        (…..Sama/mirip dengan…..)
    b. ….(and)……Be + Similar    (…..(dan)….mirip/sama)

For examples;

    Father and son are similar in the way to think something.
    Their new expensive car is similar to mine.
    they are similar in action.


    a. Be + Different from        (….berbeda dari ….)
    b. …..(and)….Be + Different    (….(dan)….berbeda)

For examples;

    The sentence is different from this one!
    Man and woman are different in everything.
    Everybody knows that we are different in many cases

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